§ 117-30. Exception from lot coverage and setback requirements for fallout or air raid shelters.  

Latest version.
  • Where the owners of any property wish to construct a fallout or air raid shelter for the protection of persons living within a permitted structure, the shelter being above ground or below ground, they should present a sketch of the proposed shelter to the planning commission staff for their approval, and, for the purposes of these regulations, such shelters shall not be considered in violation of lot coverage, or rear yard setbacks. In all other cases, proposals for fallout or air raid shelters shall be submitted to the planning commission for their approval, with a request for variance of any regulation, setback or other requirement of these regulations, and each such presentation shall be considered on its merits, in the light of the purpose and intent of these regulations, except that required side yards may be encroached upon by underground shelters to a minimum of two feet from side lot lines. All entryways or appurtenances thereto, except approved vent pipes which pierce the ground surface, must be in compliance with the required setback spaces.

(Ord. No. 3171, § 701.6, 3-26-62)