§ 117-61. R-0 single-family medium-density district.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Description of district. The R-0 single-family medium-density district is composed of single-family medium-density areas of the city, plus certain open areas where similar residential developments appear likely to occur. The regulations for this district are designated to encourage controlled medium-density single-family dwellings at prices affordable to a large percentage of the area's population. The regulations are also provided to stabilize and protect the essential characteristics of the district and to promote orderly planning and development of land uses by prohibiting all activities of a commercial nature in this district, except certain prescribed home occupations controlled by specific regulations, plus certain uses which are adjunct to residential areas, such as schools, parks, churches and certain public facilities.


    Limitation of external uses in such zones shall be as follows. Within not more than two years from the date on which the following provisions become effective, every use shall be made to comply with the limitation of external uses listed in the general regulations (section 118-161).


    Permitted structures. Each lot shall have at least one front property line and shall be occupied by only one principal structure which shall be a single-family dwelling unit or other permitted use structure, and such accessory buildings as are clearly incidental and normal to the permitted use and operated and maintained by the owner of the lot; provided, however, that no accessory building shall be a residence.


    Permitted uses. In the R-0 district only those uses specified under R-6 in the list of permitted uses, section 118-134 of these regulations, will be permitted, except that the following home occupations will be permitted, providing they comply fully with the limitations on home occupations as specified in the general regulations (section 118-191):


    Custom dressmaking, millinery, tailoring, sewing of fabric for custom apparel and custom home furnishings.


    Laundering and pressing.


    Office (any office in which goods, wares or merchandise are not created, exchanged or sold).


    Tutoring (not more than four students at a time).


    Fine arts studio in which are created only individual works of art.


    Dimensional requirements. The lot for each residential structure shall comply with the following dimensional requirements:


    Minimum lot width. Each interior lot shall be not less than 40 feet wide at the front building line.


    Corner lot. Each structure located on a corner lot must provide for a side street building line setback of 15 feet. (In clarification, this may require some corner lots to have frontage wider than the 40-foot minimum to accommodate the required side street building line setback and the ten-foot separation between residential structures.)


    Lot area. The lot area shall not be less 4,000 square feet and shall provide not less than 50 percent of the lot as unobstructed open space.


    Minimum front yard. All structures shall be set back a distance of not less than 30 feet from the front property line on residential and collector roadways. A setback of 35 feet is required on minor arterials and 40 feet on principal arterials or other classifications.


    Minimum side yards. Only one side yard is required on each lot. The minimum required side yard width shall not be less than ten feet; except that any side yard abutting a street (the side building line) shall be at least 15 feet in width.


    Minimum rear yard. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than 25 feet.


    Maximum height. No building shall exceed 2½ stories or 35 feet in height.


    Maximum size of accessory buildings. The dimension of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 150 square feet.


    Location of accessory buildings. No accessory building shall be located on any required front or side yard, or within five feet of any lot line. Fences up to 96 inches in height may be erected along any boundary of the side yard or rear yard from the rear of the lot forward to the rear of the main structure. A fence 60 inches in height may be erected along the side yards from the rear of the main structure forward to the front building line. Any fence or screen constructed in the required front yard must have board of adjustment approval as to location, height, material and construction.


    Minimum size of dwelling unit. The minimum size (gross floor area) of single-family dwelling units shall not be less than 600 square feet of interior heated and cooled living space.


    Off-street parking. Each dwelling unit shall provide at least two off-street paved parking spaces. (This requirement is recognized as being more restrictive and greater than the requirements listed in section 118-311, Off-street parking requirements.)


    Corner visibility. On a corner lot, within the areas formed by the right-of-way lines of intersecting streets and a line joining points on such right-of-way lines at a distance of 25 feet from their intersection, there shall be no obstruction to vision between a height of two feet and a height of ten feet above the average grade of each street at the centerline thereof, except that street name signs, fire hydrants, street lighting poles and associated fixtures thereto shall be permitted within this area.


    Maintenance easement. A five-foot maintenance easement is required on the abutting lot to the zero lot side.


    Encroachments. No encroachment (eaves or otherwise) shall be allowed across the zero lot line side onto abutting lots.


    Amendments to Control of Development/Subdivision Regulations. The regulations presented in the R-0 zone require several amendments to the Control of Development/Subdivision Regulations as follows:


    The zero lot line residential lots description in the Control of Development and Subdivision Regulations section is revised to state that such lots shall be not less than 40 feet rather than the current 50 feet.


    Section 7.13.7 requiring a 75-foot width on corner lots is revised adding the following sentence: "R-0 zones allow corner lots requiring a 15-foot side street setback."


    Additional clarification. This chapter includes R-5 as row house developments with 20-foot wide lots. The proposed R-0 zero lot line zone allows residential structures abutting one side property line only.

(Ord. No. 3171, § 702.1-6, 3-26-62; Ord. No. 6378, § 1, 11-13-78)